Make sure your account is in the “Administrator” role, as you won’t be able to login as admin after switching to CAS.
1. Download phpCAS and unzip/untar it:
2. Download and unzip it in wp-content/plugins
3. edit wp-content/plugins/wpcas/wpcas.php and remove or comment out line 57:
/* $wpcas_options['server_path'] == '' || */
4. Create wp-content/plugins/wpcas/wpcas-conf.php with the following content (change “/path/to” to the path to CAS.php that you installed in step 1):
// the configuration array
$wpcas_options = array(
'cas_version' => 'S1',
'include_path' => '/path/to/CAS.php',
'server_hostname' => '',
'server_port' => '443',
'server_path' => ''
// this function gets executed
// if the CAS username doesn't match a username in WordPress
function wpcas_nowpuser( $user_name ){
die('you do not have permission here');
4. Login with an account that’s in the Administrator role. In “Plugins”, activate the wpCAS plugin.
5. If possible, test in a separate browser. When you click “Log in” you should be redirected to Type in your PatriotPass NetID and password. You should be redirected back to your WordPress site.