George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

phpCAS and WordPress

Make sure your account is in the “Administrator” role, as you won’t be able to login as admin after switching to CAS.

1. Download phpCAS and unzip/untar it:

2. Download and unzip it in wp-content/plugins

3. edit wp-content/plugins/wpcas/wpcas.php and remove or comment out line 57:

/* $wpcas_options['server_path'] == '' || */

4. Create wp-content/plugins/wpcas/wpcas-conf.php with the following content (change “/path/to” to the path to CAS.php that you installed in step 1):


// the configuration array

$wpcas_options = array(

'cas_version' => 'S1',

'include_path' => '/path/to/CAS.php',

'server_hostname' => '',

'server_port' => '443',

'server_path' => ''


// this function gets executed

// if the CAS username doesn't match a username in WordPress

function wpcas_nowpuser( $user_name ){

die('you do not have permission here');



4. Login with an account that’s in the Administrator role.  In “Plugins”, activate the wpCAS plugin.

5. If possible, test in a separate browser.  When you click “Log in” you should be redirected to  Type in your PatriotPass NetID and password.  You should be redirected back to your WordPress site.